GIC Awarded the Most Outstanding Sukuk Product in the Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum

Moody’s Upgrades GIC’s BFSR to D, reaffirms Baa2/Prime-2

The Gulf Investment Corporation (GIC) announced today that Moody’s Credit Rating Agency upgraded its stand-alone (BFSR) rating from ‘D-‘ to ‘D’ and reaffirmed the long term and short term ratings at Baa2/Prime-2, all ratings carried a stable outlook. The positive...
GIC Awarded the Most Outstanding Sukuk Product in the Kuala Lumpur Islamic Finance Forum

GIC Profit Grew by 66% to USD 151 million

The Gulf Investment Corporation (GIC) announced a 66% percent increase in profit for the year 2010. Net income grew to USD 151 million in comparison to USD 91 million in 2009. The General Assembly meeting reviewed and approved the audited financial statement in the...